
H. Inland rock habitats

Steep siliceous steep rocks with lichens

Relationships with habitat classifications. EUNIS: H3.1В Bare siliceous inland cliffs; PAL. CLASS.: 62.42 Siliceous bare inland cliffs; HD 92/43: 8220 Siliceous rocky slopes with hasmophytic vegetation.

Conservation status. BDA, HD.

Category. Vulnerable [VU – A1, 2 B2 D2 H2 I J].

General characteristics. Lichen communities are widely distributed as one of the pioneer stages in the development of the vegetation cover in open rocky areas. They occur everywhere, independently from the altitude, humidity, direct radiation and other ecological factors. Their abundance depends on the period of occupation. In older rock outcrops their cover can reach 100%. The silicate rocky outcrops in Bulgaria are suitable for the development of many lichen species among which more frequent are Cornicularia normoerica,Lasallia pustulata, Ramalina capitata, R. carpatica, R. polymorpha, Rhizocarpon badioatrum, R. disporum, R. distinctum, R. oreites, R.petraeum, Umbilicaria crustulosa, U. cylindrica, U.decussata, U. deusta, U. microphylla, U. polyphylla, U.proboscidea, etc.

Characteristic taxa.

Distribution in Bulgaria. All Bulgarian mountains, hilly and flat areas with siliceous rocks from 0 up to 2925 m alt.

Conservation importance. Primary stages in the development of organisms on siliceous rocks and stones.

Threats. Air pollution, natural destruction of the rocky outcrops.

Conservation measures taken. The habitat is in Annex № 1 of BDA. Parts of the habitat are within protected areas and sites from the European Ecological Network NATURA 2000.

Conservation measures needed. Floristic and phytocoenological study of the lichen coenoses.

References. Popnikolov & Zhelezova 1964.

Author: Veska Roussakova

Siliceous steep rocks with lichens (distribution map)