
G. Forests

Forests of Oriental plantain (Platanus orientalis)

Relationships with habitat classifications. EUNIS: G1.381 Helleno-Balkan riparian plane forests, G1.382 Hellenic slope plane woods; PAL. CLASS.: 44.711 Helleno-Balkan riparian plane forests, 44. 712 Hellenic slope plane woods; HD 92/43: 92C0 Platanus orientalis and Liquidambar orientalis woods (Platanion orientalis); Bondev (1991): 144 Forests with a prevalence or presence of Plataneta orientalis, partly mixed with Black alder (Alnus glutinosa).

Conservation status. BDA, BC, HD.

Category. Endangered [EN – A1, 2 C1 D1 E2 F2 G2 H2 L3].

Characteristic taxa.

Distribution in Bulgaria. South Bulgaria – the valley of Struma river to the South of Kresna gorge and its feeders, Mesta river – to the South of Gospodintsi village and its feeders, Central and East Rhodopi Mts. – Arda river and its bigger feeders Vacha river, Bachkovska river and their feeders; northern slopes of Belasitsa Mts. where the plantain forests reach up to 900 m alt.

Conservation importance. The communities of the oriental plantain are under very strong anthropogenic pressure – logging, grazing, etc. Due to the high regenerative potential of the species it has survived for thousands of years. Occupying streams and sediment cones the communities have protective functions and most often are in water resource areas, protective stripes along rivers, etc. Some rare, endangered and protected species occur: Angelica pancicii, Cardamine barbaraeoides, C. raphanifolia, Castanea sativa, Huetia cynapioides, Medicago carstiensis, Ophioglossum vulgatum, Platanus orientalis as well as the fungus species of conservation value Ptychoverpa bochemica.

Threats. Main threat is the building of hydrotechnical constructions which cause changes in the water flow and the drying up of rivers. Second in importance is the illegal logging by the local inhabitants and cutting of wood, mostly for heating. Other threats are grazing and fires.

Conservation measures taken. The habitat is included in Annex №1 of the national Biodiversity Act. Parts of these forests are within the borders of protected areas: Belasitsa Nature Park, Tisata and Kongura Strict Nature Reserves, Chinar Dere Protected Site, Melnishki Piramidy Nature Monument, etc. Some of the most representative localities of this habitat are in sites of the European Ecological Network NATURA 2000 in Bulgaria.

Conservation measures needed. Legal changes that will terminate the illegal logging of plantain in agricultural lands; restriction of hydrotechnical constructions and ensuring a minimal water quantity in the water bodies.

References. Browicz 1964; Delkov 1977.

Author: Georgi Gogushev

Forests of Oriental plantain (Platanus orientalis) (distribution map)