
D. Mires, bogs and fens

Fen beds with Cladium mariscus

Relationships with habitat classifications. EUNIS: D5.24 Fen [Cladium mariscus] beds; PAL. CLASS.: 53.31 Fen Cladium beds; HD 92/43: 7210 *Calcareous fens with Cladium mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae.

Conservation status. BDA, BC, HD.

Category. Critically endangered [CR – A1, 2 C3 D3 E3 F2 G2 H3].

General characteristics. The habitat encompasses fens and flooded areas covered by communities of Cladium mariscus (association Cladietum marisci). These coenoses are very specific and occur in Toundzha Hilly Country (between Dunavtsi and Yasenovo villages) and Sredna Gora Mts. (Banya village, Plovdiv district). They also occurred in the past along Maritsa River near Sadovo but probably this locality has been destroyed. The communities between Yasenovo and Dunavtsi villages are the most representative of the over-wet meadows along running waters and fens. They are on deluvial soils and sediment cones, on shallow calcareous basis. The soils are rich in diluted carbonate (alkaline) salts and are over-wet from the cold waters that penetrate through the deluvial cones forming the high parts of Central Balkan Range. These waters create specific microclimatic and chemical conditions in the locality, i.e. the vegetation season is delayed as a result of the specific hydrothermal regime despite the low altitude. The coenoses of Cladium mariscus form complexes both with coenoses typical for the alkaline swamps and mires dominated by Eriophorum latifolium, Juncus articulatus, Schoenus nigricans, etc. and with coenoses of typical hygrophytes (alliance Phragmition). Cladium mariscus is a clearly expressed dominant ca. 0.8–1 m high. The following species also occur: Epilobium hirsutum, Eupatorium cannabinum, Hypericum tetrapterum, Juncus articulatus, Lycopus europaeus, Lythrum salicaria, Mentha aquatica, Schoenus nigricans. The total area of the coenoses is about 10 decares.

Characteristic taxa.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Thracian lowland – along Maritsa River near Sadovo town (probably extinct), Toundzha Hilly Country (between Dunavtsi and Yasenovo villages) and along Luda Yana River near Banya village, Plovidiv district.

Conservation importance. The communities of Cladium mariscus are very rare. They develop at very specific hydrothermal and hydro-chemical conditions hence they have high conservation value. Particularly typical are the coenoses between Dunavtsi and Yasenovo villages where rare species like Menyanthes trifoliate and Peucedanum ruthenicum occur at low altitudes. Cladium mariscus itself is a protected and rare species in Bulgaria.

Threats. Changes in the plant communities are caused by the global warming and aridisation, draining of wetlands, household waste deposition, communication facilities (the locality at Dunavtsi village is crossed by the road and railway between Sofia and Burgas), invasion of shrub and tree vegetation and ruderalisation. The coenoses of Cladium mariscus cover restricted areas and are highly vulnerable to direct and indirect impacts.

Conservation measures taken. The habitat is included in Annex № 1 of the Biodiversity Act and is of conservation priority. The locality at Dunavtsi village is included in the European Ecological Network NATURA 2000 in Bulgaria.

Conservation measures needed. To include the habitat in the National Biodiversity Monitoring System. To proclaim the meadows between Dunavtsi and Yasenovo as a protected area.

References. Jordanov et al.1972.

Author: Rossen Tzonev

Fen beds with Cladium mariscus (distribution map)