

B. Coastal habitats

Black Sea mobile (white) dunes

Relationships with habitat classifications. EUNIS: B1.324 Pontic white dunes; PAL. CLASS.: 16.2124 Pontic white dunes; HD 92/43: 2120 Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria (white dunes); Bondev (1991): 147 Psammophytous grass communities with a prevalence mostly of Leymeta racemosi, Ammophylleta arenariae, Galileeta mucronata, Centaureeta arenariae, Trachomitum venetum and shrub communities with a prevalence of Cionureta erectae and others mostly on the coastal sands.

Conservation status. BDA, BC, HD.

Category. Endangered [EN – A1, 2 C3 D2 E2 F2 G2 H2 I J L3].

General characteristics. The mobile (white) dunes are covered with plant communities from the alliance Elymion gigantei.They form 2–3 m high dune rows, most frequently parallel to the sea. They are typical mostly for the Black Sea coast (northern) where the heavy winter with storms and strong wind hinders the stabilization of the dunes. These dunes are typical for the sand strips that separate Durankulak, Shabla and Pomoriisko lakes from the sea. Their formation is influenced both by the wind and the fluctuations of the water level of the lakes. Similar, but smaller, dunes can be found at the estuaries of the rivers that enter the Black Sea. Mobile (white) dunes can be observed at the estuaries of Batova, Veleka, Silistar rivers, at Irakly locality. These dunes are more stabilized than the embryonic ones and are formed by coenoses dominated by grasses such as Ammophila arenaria, Festuca vaginata and Leymus racemosus subsp. sabulosus.The coenoses of the association Medicago tenderiensis-Ammophiletum arundinaceae are distributed along the Black Sea coast (northern). The presence of Centaurea arenaria subsp. borysthenica, Eryngium maritimum, Euphorbia seguierana, Linaria genistifolia subsp. genistifolia, Medicago falcata subsp. tenderiensis, Secale sylvestre, Silene conica subsp. conomaritima,and S. thymifolia are typical. This association is similar to Ammophilo-Elymetum gigantei, but its structure is deteriorated nd some of the typical (obligate) psammophytes are absent. The number of the latter increases southwards. The most typical coenoses of the white dunes can be observed at the estuary of Baltata River and at Pomoriisko lake. The participation of the obligate psammophytes such as Euphorbia paralias, Medicago marina, Stachys maritima is typical. The large population of Otanthus maritimus is typical for the white dunes at the estuary of Veleka river, which probably indicates the transition to the association Otantho-Leymetum sabulosi that is described from the Turkish Black Sea coast. The white dunes are characterized by well-expressed dynamics that depend on the strength and direction of the wind, impact of the sea storms and the changes in the water level of the lakes and rivers in the proximity of the dune complexes.

Characteristic taxa.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Black Sea coast – Durankulak and Shabla lakes, Krapetz village, Baltata River, to the south from Galata Cape, Irakli locality, Pomoriisko Lake, estuaries of Veleka and Silistar rivers.

Conservation importance. Many rare and protected psammophytes whose populations gradually decrease in Bulgaria occur in the pontic mobile (white) dunes. Such species are Astrodaucus littoralis, Centaurea arenaria, Convolvulus persicus, Euphorbia paralias, Festuca vaginata, Maresia nana, Medicago marina, Otanthus maritimus, Stachys maritima etc.

Threats. Intensive development of tourism and urbanization, pollution of the beaches and dunes in Bulgaria, illegal sand-pits in the dunes, natural dynamics of the mobile sand substrates.

Conservation measures taken. The habitat is included in Annex 1 of the national Biodiversity Act. Some of the localities are within the borders of existing protected areas – Durankulashko Ezero Protected Site, Shablensko Ezero Protected Site, Irakli Protected Site, Ustie na Reka Veleka Protected Site, Silistar Protected Site, Strandzha Nature Park and sites from the European Ecological Network NATURA 2000.

Conservation measures needed. Termination of construction activities, urbanization and distruction of the remaining preserved dune complexes at the Black Sea coast; reduction of the tourist impact, management of the NATURA 2000 zone targeted at the conservation of the psammophytic coenoses.

References. Bondev & Velchev 1982; Tzonev et al. 2005; Vicherek 1971.

Author: Rossen Tzonev

Black Sea mobile (white) dunes (distribution map)