
B. Coastal habitats

Vegetation on the Black Sea sand beaches

Relationships with habitat classifications. EUNIS: B1.132 Pontic sand beach annual communities; B1.133 Pontic sand beach perennial communities; PAL. CLASS.: 16.1232 Pontic sand beach annual communities; 16.1233 Pontic sand beach perennial communities; HD 92/43: 2110 Embryonic shifting dunes; Bondev (1991): 147 Psammophytous grass communities with a prevalence mostly of Leymeta racemosi, Ammophylleta arenariae, Galileeta mucronata, Centaureeta arenariae, Trachomitum venetum and shrub communities with a prevalence of Cionureta erectae mostly on the coastal sands.

Conservation status. BDA, HD.

Category. Endangered [EN – A1, 2 C3 D2 E2 F2 G2 H2 I J L3].

General characteristics. The first stages of the dune formation can be observed at the coastal sand strips at the surf line and up to 30 m inside the beach. Typically there is almost no vegetation there. The vegetation belongs to the association Cakilo euxinae-Salsoletum ruthenicae, whose coenoses have very low projective cover – sometimes not more than 1%. Along the surf line, where the salinity can be high, halophytes such as Salsola ruthenica, Suaeda altissima, etc. occur. On the typical, rarely visited sand beaches occur some obligate psammophytes like Cakile maritima subsp. euxina, Crambe maritima susbp. pontica, Eryngium maritimum, Euphorbia peplis, Lactuca tatarica, Polygonum maritime. Otanthus maritimus occurs to the south with populations of small numbers of individuals. However, as a result of trampling and removal of plants, these beaches have become mobile sand substrates without vegetation cover.

Characteristic taxa.

Distribution in Bulgaria. The whole Black Sea coast.

Conservation importance. Some rare and protected psammophytes such as Argusia sibirica, Eryngium maritimum, Lactuca tatarica, Otanthus maritimus etc., whose populations decrease progressively, occur on the coastal beaches.

Threats. Rapid development of tourism along the Black Sea coast in Bulgaria, urbanization, degradation of habitats, pollution of the coastal area.

Conservation measures taken. The habitat is in Annex №1 of the national Biodiversity Act. Some of the localities are within the borders of already existing protected areas: Durankulashko Ezero Protected Site, Shablensko Ezero Protected Site, Kamchiyski Pyasatzi Protected Site, Ropotamo Strict Nature Reserve, Strandzha Nature Park and protected zones from the European Ecological Network NATURA 2000.

Conservation measures needed. Discontinuation of construction activities and polluting of the existing beaches along the Black Sea coast, decrease of the tourist pressure.

References. Tzonev et al. 2005; Vicherek 1971.

Author: Rossen Tzonev

Vegetation on the Black Sea sand beaches (distribution map)