Literature volume 2. Animals

General part

Beron P. 2005. Biodiversity of the Acari in Bulgaria. In: Petrova A. (ed.): Current state of Bulgarian biodiversity – problems and perspectives. Sofia (Bulgarian Biodiversity Platform), 153-171. (In Bulgarian).

Beron P., T. Daaliev, A. Jalov 2006. Caves and speleology in Bulgaria. Sofia (Pensoft). 507 p.

Biserkov V., B. Naumov, N. Tsankov, A. Stoyanov, B. Petrov, D. Dobrev, P. Stoev 2007. A field guide to amphibians and reptiles of Bulgaria. Sofia (Green Balkans). 195 p. (In Bulgarian).

Botev B., Tz. Peshev (eds.). 1985. Red Data Book of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria. Volume 2. Animals. Sofia (Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences). 183 p. (In Bulgarian).

Deltshev Ch., B. Petrov, P. Mitov 2005. Faunistic diversity of class Arachnida (non Acari) in Bulgaria – present state, importance and perspectives. In: Petrova A. (ed.): Current state of Bulgarian biodiversity – problems and perspectives. Sofia (Bulgarian Biodiversity Platform), 129-151. (In Bulgarian).

Golemansky V., M. Shishiniova 2001. Zoology of invertebrates. Sofia (Gera Art). 392 p. (In Bulgarian).

Golemansky V., M. Todorov, I. Pandurski, B. Georgiev, Y. Uzunov, V. Peneva, Ts. Konsulova, D. Kozhuharov, S. Andreev, P. Stoev 2005. Biodiversity of lower invertebrates in Bulgaria: present state, problems, perspectives. In: Petrova A. (ed.): Current state of Bulgarian biodiversity – problems and perspectives. Sofia (Bulgarian Biodiversity Platform), 105-127. (In Bulgarian).

Hilton-Taylor C. (compiler). 2000. 2000 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK (IUCN).

Hristovich G.K. 1890. Materials towards the study of the Bulgarian fauna. A list of the birds of some localities in Bulgaria. – Sbornik za narodni umotvoreniya, nauka i knizhnina, 2: 185-225. (In Bulgarian).

Hubenov Z. 1996. Faunistic diversity of Bulgaria – Invertebrates. – Historia naturalis bulgarica, 6: 11-16. (In Bulgarian).

Hubenov Z. 2005a. Entomofaunistic diversity of Bulgaria. In: Petrova A. (ed.): Current state of Bulgarian biodiversity – problems and perspectives. Sofia (Bulgarian Biodiversity Platform), 173-198. (In Bulgarian).

Hubenov Z. 2005b. Malacofaunistic diversity of Bulgaria. In: Petrova A. (ed.): Current state of Bulgarian biodiversity – problems and perspectives. Sofia (Bulgarian Biodiversity Platform), 199-246. (In Bulgarian).

Iharos Gy. 1961. Grundlage der Tardigradenfauna Bulgariens. – Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 7(1/2): 111-118.

IUCN 1966. International Red Data book of species threatened with extinction, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.

IUCN 1994. IUCN Red List Categories: Version 2.3. Gland, Switzerland (IUCN Species Survival Commission, IUCN).

IUCN 2001. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK (IUCN Species Survival Commission, IUCN). ii+30 p.

IUCN 2003. Guidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional Levels: Version 3.0. IUCN Species Survival Commission. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.

IUCN 2005. Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. IUCN. Available at:

Josifov M. 1988. Über den zoogeographischen Charakter der südeuropäischen Insektenfauna unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Heteropteren. – Berichte des naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereins, Innsbruck, 75: 177-184.

Marinov T., V. Golemansky 1989. Second supplement to the Catalogue of the Bulgarian Black Sea Fauna. – Acta zoologica bulgarica, 37: 3- 33. (In Bulgarian).

Nankinov D. 2000. Threatened animals of Bulgaria. Natural conservation status and distribution in ecosystems. Sofia (Pensoft Publishers & Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House). 146 p.

Nankinov D. 2004. Second addition to the list of birds of Bulgaria. – Rivista italiana di Ornitologia, 73(2): 157-163.

Peshev Ts., D. Nankinov, D. Peshev 2003. The vertebrates of Bulgaria. An identification key. Sofia (Bulvest 2000). 414 p. (In Bulgarian).

Peshev Ts., D. Peshev, V. Popov 2004. Mammalia. – In: Markov G. (ed.): Fauna bulgarica. 27. Sofia (Editio academica “Marin Drinov”), 632 p. (In Bulgarian).

Simon N. 1966. Red Data Book. Volume 1. Mammalia: a compilation. Morges, Switzerland (IUCN).

Stefanov T. 2007. Fauna and distribution of fishes in Bulgaria. – In: Fet V., A. Popov (eds.): Biogeography and ecology of Bulgaria. Dordrecht (Springer), 109-139.

Velchev V. (ed.). 1984. Red Data Book of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria. Volume 1. Plants. Sofia (Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences). 447 p. (In Bulgarian).

Special part


ABELENTSEV B. 1968. Fauna of Ukraine. Vol. 1. Mammals: Mustelids. Naukova Dumka. Kiev, 279 p. (in Russian).

ADAMOVICH V. 1989. The problem on the limitation of the synanthropy of the wolf and some of the aspects of its role in the rabies. In: (D. Bibikov (ed.) - Ecology, ethology and management of the populations of the wolf. Inst. of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of the Animals, VTO. Moscow, p. 9-13 (in Russian).

ANDREEV R., D. ZLATANOVA 2003. Status and number of the chamois in Stara Planina range. Sbornik nauchni dokladi: 75 godini Institut za Gorata – BAN, Sofia – p. 391-395 (in Bulgarian).

ARISTOV A., G. BARYSHNIKOV. 2001. The mammals of Russia and Adjacent territories. Carnovores and Pinnideds. Russian Academy of Sciences. Zoological Institute. St. Petersburg, 559 p. (in Rusian).

ATANASOV N. 1954. The otter in Bulgaria. - Lov I Ribarstvo, 8-9: 18 (in Bulgarian).

ATANASSOV N., Z. PESHEV 1063. Die Säugetiere Bulgariens. Säugetierkundliche Mitteilungen, 11(3): 101-112.

Atanassov, N., Z. Peschev. 1963. Die Sдugetiere Bulgariens. - Sдugetierk. Mitt. 11(3): 101-112.

Ausländer, D., Hellwing, S. 1957a. Observations e’cologiques sur les petits mammiferes des ecrans forestiers de protection de “Valul Traian” re’fe’rences spe’ciales concernant leur dynamique. - Trav. Mus. Hist. Nat. “Grigore Antipa”, 1: 11 - 139.

AVRAMOV S. 1995. Project: “ Investigation of the status of the Monk seal on the Bulgarian Black sea coast” Unpubl. report. Fondo para la foca del Mediterraneo & BSPB (in Bulgarian).

AVRAMOV, S. 1997 Project: "Investigation and conservation of the rare sea-cliff fauna on Bulgarian black sea coast ,1996-1997" (unpublished report). BSPB – Bird Life, Bulgaria.

Bashenina, N. V. Ecology of gray hamster (Cricetulus migratorius Pall) in European part of USSR. - Fauna and ecology of rodents, 4: 157 - 179 (In Russian).

Baumgart, W. 1975. An Horsten des Uhus (Bubo bubo) in Bulgarien. II. Der Uhu in Nordostbulgarien (Aves, Strigidae). - Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierk. Dresden, 33 (18): 251 - 275.

Beck A. 1995. Fecal analyses of European bat species. - Myotis, Bonn, 32-33: 109-119.

Benda p., Ivanova t., Horáček i., Hanák v., červený j., Gaisler j., Gueorguieva a., Petrov b., Vohralík V. 2003. Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of the Eastern Mediterranean. Part 3. Review of bat distribution in Bulgaria. - Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem., 67: 245-357.

BEN-DAVID M. 1988. The biology and ecology of the marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna syriaca) in Israel. Thesis. Univ. of Tel-Aviv.

BEN-DAVID M. 1998. Delayed implantation in the marbled polecat, Vormela peregusna syriaca (Carnivora, Mustelidae): evidence from mating, parturition, and post-natal growth. Mammalia, 62 (2): 269-283.

BENTON, M. 2000. "Monachus monachus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed February 14, 2005 at information/Monachus_monachus.html.

Beron p., Beshkov v., Popov v., Vassilev m., Pandurska r. & Ivanova t. 2000. Biodiversity of Small Vertebrates (Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Mammalia – Insectivora, Chiroptera, Lagomorpha and Rodentia) in the Rila National Park. Pp.: 333–360. In: Sakalian M. (ed.): Biological Diversity of the Rila National Park. Sofija: Pensoft, 650 p.

Beshkov V. A. 1993. The Bats of Bulgaria. In: Meine, C (ed.) Bulgaria’s Biological Divesity: Conservation Status and Needs Assessment. Vol. I and II. Washington, D. C.: Biodiversity Support Program, pp. 453 - 466.

BIBIKOV D., A. KUDAKTIN, A. FILIMONOV. 1985. Use of territory, dispersal. In: Bibikov (ed.). The Wolf. Nauka, Moscow, p. 415-431 (in Russian).

BIRKUN A., M. MOLDOVEANU, M. STANCIU, T. STANEV, B.ÖZTÜRK, A.KOMAKHIDZE. 1999. Tursiops truncatus Montagu, 1821. In: Black Sea Red Data Book. Cluwen Acad. Publisher, 413 p.

BIRKUN, A. Jr. 2002 Black Sea — Habitat loss and degradation. Pages 60-77. In: G. Notarbartolo di Sciara (Ed.), Cetaceans of the Mediterranean and Black Seas: State of knowledge and conservation strategies. A report to the ACCOBAMS Secretariat, Monaco, February 2002.

Buresch, I., 1917. On the Bat fauna (Chiroptera) of Bulgaria. - Magazine of Bul. Acad. Sci. and Art, XV:137-174.

Burton, M. 1987. Guide to Mammals of Britain and Europe. Tresaure: London. 79 p.

Buruldag, E. Kurtonur, C. 2001. Hibernation and postnatal development of the mouse-tailed dormouse, Myomimus roachi reared outdoor's in a cage. - Trakya University Journal of Scientific Research, Ser. B, vol. 2 (2): 179 - 186.

BYCHKOV V. 1985. Monachus monachus Hermann, 1779. In: BORODIN A. (ed.). Red data Book of USSR, Vol. I (second edition. Lesnaya Promyshlennost, p. 55-56 (in Russian).

CALINESCU R. 1931.Mammiferele României. Regia M.O., Imprimeria Natională. Bucureşti, p. 103.

CEM ORKUN KIRAÇ 2001. Witnessing the Monk seal’s extinction in Black sea. The Monachus Guardian, 4(2), Nov. 2001. (On line, accessed February 17 at

DEDE, A. 1999. Turk boazlar sisteminde yasayan deniz memelileri populasyonlari uzerine arastimalar. Doctoral Thesis, Istanbul University. 62 pp. [In Turkish].

Dondini G., S. Vergari. 2000. Carnivory in the greater noctule bat (Nyctalus lasiopterus) in Italy.- Journal of Zoology, London, 251: 233-236.

DRENSKI P., 1926. The otter (Lutra vulgaris) as a pest for the fish and the fishery – Lovets, 7: 12-14 (in Bulgarian).

DUTSOV, A. 2003. Population Status and Distribution of Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra balcanica Bolkay, 1925 in Pirin National Park. In: Proceedings of the International conference – 75 Years Forestry Institute. Bulg. Acad. Sci., Sofia, pp. 429 – 433.

ERLINGE S. 1967. Home range of the otter, Lutra lutra L. in Southern Sweden. - Oikos, 18 (2):186-209.

ERLINGE S. 1968. Тerritoriality of the otter Lutra lutra (L.). - Oikos: 19 (1): 81-98.

GENOV P., A. DUTSOV, B. DACHEV, I. PETROV, V. VASILEV. 2005. Distribution, number and use of the large carnivores in Bulgaria. Nauka za Gorata, 1:61-70 (in Bulgarian).

GENOV P., A. STAVRAKEV, A. ATANASOV. 1990. Frequency, seasonal and daily dynamics of the wolfs’ attacks on domestic animals for the period 1984 – 1988. Univ. of Plovdiv “P. Hilendarski”. Scientific papers, Biology, 28(6): 203 – 213 (in Bulgarian).

GENOV P., R. GUNCHEV, B. KIROV, B. DACHEV B. ATANASOV. 2003. distribution and number of the chamois in Bulgaria. Proceedings – 75 years Forestry Inst. – Bulg. Acad. Sci. Sofia, p. 421- 428 (in Bulgarian).

GENOV, P. AND G. MASSEI, 1989. The distribution and status of Rupicapra rupicapra balcanica (Bolkay, 1925) in Bulgaria. World Conf. on Mountain Ungulates, Camerino (MC), 15 p.

GENOV, P., V. KOSTOVA, G. MASSEI. 1996. Litter size and population dynamics of the wolf (Canis lupus L.) in Bulgaria in the last century (summary). in: (N. Botev, ed.). XX Congress The game and the Man, Sofia - 1995. Proceedings. Pensoft, p. 216.

GEORGIEV, D. G., 2005. Habitats of the Otter (Lutra lutra L.) in some Regions of Southern Bulgaria - IUCN Otter Spec. Group Bull., 22 (1): 1-6

GEORGIEV, D. G., 2006. Diet of the Otter Lutra lutra in different Habitats of Southern Bulgaria - IUCN Otter Spec. Group Bull., 23 (1): 4-10.

GEORGIEV, D. G., 2007. Otter (lutra lutra l.) mortality In Southern Bulgaria - IUCN Otter Spec. Group Bull., 24:5-10.

GEPTNER V., A. SLUDSKIY. 1972. Mammals of the Soviet Union, Vol. 2 (part 2), Carnivores (hyenas and cats). Publ. House “Vyshaya shkola. Moscow, 551p (in Russian).

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GRIGOROV G. 1986. Distribution, number and use of the stone marten (Martes foina Erxl.), the pine marten (Martes martes L.) and the badger (Meles meles L.) in Bulgaria - Gorskostopanska nauka, 5: 59-67 (in Bulgarian).

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