Zilch's Door Snail

Macedonica zilchiUrbanski, 1972

Order Pulmonata

Family Clausilidae

Conservation status: in Bulgaria: Critically endangered CR.

General distribution. Bulgaria.

Distribution and abundance in Bulgaria. A local endemic. Found in the Trigradsko gorge around the Dyavolsoto Garlo cave (the Western Rhodopes). There are no data about the numbers of the population [1].

Habitats. It inhabits calcareous rocks, rock cracks and screes, also going into the entrance of the Dyavolskoto Garlo cave.

Biology. No data. Active in more humid and cold weather.

Similar species. The species of the genus Macedonica, among which Macedonica zilchi is the largest representative.

Negative factors. Mass gathering of living individuals and small shells by people collecting rare species; active tourism in the region.

Conservation measures taken. None.

Conservation measures needed. Ban on the collection and export from the country of the species; financial sanctions for offenders; monitoring and studies on the biology and the state of the species population.

References. 1. Urbanski, 1972.

Author: Ivaylo Dedov

Zilch's Door Snail (distribution map)

Zilch's Door Snail (drawing)