Calandrella brachydactyla Leisler, 1814
Calandrella cinerea Gmelin, 1789: Matvejev, 1976: 69.
Order Passeriformes
Family Alaudidae
Conservation status: in Bulgaria: Vulnerable VU [A3, A4, B1biii], BDA-II, III; International: BeC-II, ECS-Spec 3, BD-I.
General distribution. A Turkestan-Mediterranean species. It breeds in Africa, Asia Minor, Front and Central Asia in the east to the region beyond the Baikal and Central China, and in Europe in the Pyrenean peninsula, France, Italy, Malta, Switzerland, the Balkan peninsula, Hungary, Slovakia, the Ukraine and Southern Russia.
Distribution and abundance in Bulgaria. A breeding summer visitor and passage migrant, in the past widely distributed throughout the country, but numerous only at places: near the villages of Ognyanovo (Pazardzhik region) and Kosharevo (Pernik region) and along the southern slopes of Eminska Planina mountain [1, 2, 3]. At present, the area is split into separate small subpopulations preserved only in regions with optimal habitats. More numerous populations can be found in coastal Dobrudzha [4,], on the Besaparski Vazvisheniya (hills) and in some regions in the north west of Sofia: near the town of Dragoman and the villages of Bezden, Bogyovtsi and Golemo Malovo. In many of the old habitats it was not found in the last 10 years. The numbers are decreasing, and are estimated at about 10 000 – 12 000 pairs.
Habitats. Various open habitats with bare vegetation or with scanty herbaceous vegetation. It prefers dry stony steppes and pastures. It is also found in seaside dunes, arable and deserted lands.
Biology. It arrives in April. At the beginning of May, the female builds a nest on the ground and lays 3-5 white or yellowish eggs with light brown dots. Incubation continues for 11-13 days. The young ones leave the nest at the age of 10-11 days. The adults feed the young ones with ground insects, worms, larvae, etc.
Similar species. The Lesser Short-toed Lark (Calandrella rufescens).
Negative factors. Ploughing the steppe associations and the pastures and their turning into arable lands, orchards, vineyards, built areas, etc. Creation of forest cultures in habitats of the species. Poaching during international hunting tourism.
Conservation measures taken. Protected according to the Biological Diversity Act. Special measures for its preservations have not been taken. Some of the habitats fall within Protected Territories: the reserves Kaliakra and Ropotamo, Yaylite Protected Locality, etc.
Conservation measures needed. Preservation of the natural herbaceous associations. Ban on building in the steppe habitats along the Black Sea coast. Development of environmental-friendly agriculture. Disallowing forestation and opening of quarries in the breeding places. Creation of new protected territories for the preservation of the species. Strict control on international hunting tourism with respect to shooting protected species of birds.
References. 1. Boev et al., 1964; 2. Nankinov, 1982; 3. Patzold, 1989; 4. Ivanov et al., 1998. Author: Petar Shurulinkov