Veronica glauca Sibth. & Sm.
Scrophulariaceae –Figwort family
Conservation status. Critically Endangered [CR B2ab(i,ii,v)]. BDA. Balkan endemic.
Morphology and biology. Annual herbs with fusiform, axial root. Stems erect, 5–30 cm high, with branches near the base, sparsely simple pubescent or single glandular. Leaves ovate to triangular-ovate, pinnate or crenate-serrate, with 2–6 mm long petiole, opposite, pubescent, with 3-cell glands. Flowers in sparse racemes. Bracts in the upper part of inflorescence are lanceolate; the lower are pinnate, similar to the leaves. Flower stalks longer than calyx, deflected. Petals blue. Fruit obovoid to subglobose capsule, usually glabrous, emarginate to shallowly 2-lobed at the apex. Fl. III–IV, fr. IV–V. Pollinated by insects. Propagated by seeds.
Habitats and populations. Occurs in agricultural lands as a weed in one locality only on very limited area. In the past the population has been numerous, in recent time the number of plants has reduced.
Distribution in Bulgaria. Toundzha Hilly Country (around the town of Yambol); 200 m alt.
General distribution. Bulgaria, Greece, Greek Aegean islands (eastern), Crete, Albania.
Threats. Inhabits zone with strong anthropogenic pressure, and active agriculture. The species is treated as a weed and destroyed.
Conservation measures taken. Protected species according to the national Biodiversity Act.
Conservation measures needed. Investigation of the threat factors, of the number and area of the population, biology and ecology of the species, monitoring of the state of the population. Collection of seeds for the National Seed Genebank of Bulgaria, including the population in protected area.
References. Peev 1973; Peev 1995.
Authors: Dimitar Peev, Sonya Tsoneva