Thymus perinicus (Velen.) Jalas
Lamiaceae – Mint family
Conservation status. Endangered [EN B2ab(ii); C1]. BDA. Balkan endemic.
Morphology and biology. Perennial, caespitose plant with long, creeping stems. Flowering stems ascending, reddish, short-pubescent. Leaves 4–6 mm long, 0.7–1.1 mm wide, oblong, elliptical, subcoriaceous, hairy on both sides, long ciliate at margin. Verticillasters with 5–6 flowers, 1–5 in a loose capitulum. Calyx 3–4 mm long, reddish, densely pubescent, 2-lipped, upper teeth triangular, mucronate, sometimes arcuate; lower teeth narrowly lanceolate, mucronate. Corolla 4–7 mm long, reddish violet, with spot-like glands, outer surface pubescent. Nutlets elliptical, dark brown. Fl. VII–VIII, fr. VIII–X. Reproduction mainly by rhizome shoots; more rarely by seeds.
Habitats and populations. Grows in dry, rocky, calcareous places, with shallow soils in the subalpine and alpine vegetation belts. Populations are mosaic and have an area varying from 0.05 to 0.20 ha. Participates in the composition of hasmophytic communities.
Distribution in Bulgaria. Pirin Mts (northern – Kabata, Vihren, Kutelo, Kamenitsa, Razlozhki Suhodol peaks); from 2000 up to 2900 m alt.
General distribution. SE Europe (Bulgaria, R Macedonia, Serbia).
Threats. Populations are located in places with heavy tourist traffic and are subjected to trampling and collecting.
Conservation measures taken. The species is protected by the Biodiversity Act. Its populations are within the borders of Pirin National Park and Bayuvi Dupki-Dzhindzhiritsa Strict Nature Reserve. The localities are within a site of the European ecological network Natura 2000 in Bulgaria.
Conservation measures needed. Study of the numerical strength and areas of the populations, biology and ecology of the species and possibilities for cultivation; collection of seeds for the National Seed Genebank in Bulgaria.
References. Jalas 1974; Genova 1984; Greuter et al. 1986; Andreev 1989; Markova 1989, 1992.
Author: Elena Genova