Swertia punctata Baumg.
Gentianaceae – Gentian family
Conservation status. Critically Endangered [CR C2a(ii)]. BDA. Glacial relict.
Morphology and biology. Perennial herb with a short and thick rhizome. Stems 20–65 cm, erect, glabrous, green, more or less cylindrical. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate to obovate, usually alternate; basal and lower cauline petiolate, upper cauline sessile. Flowers (15) 30–65 (100), in paniculate inflorescences. Petals greenish yellow, with blackish purple dots or lines, more or less obtuse at apex, erecto-patent in full blossom. Fruit a capsule. Fl. VII–VIII, fr. VIII–IX. Insect pollination. Reproduction by seeds and vegetative means (poorly effective).
Habitats and populations. Grows in moist places by streams, on siliceous bedrock. Currently only one population known at the foothill of Mt Midzhour, where approx. 10 plants have been recorded at 2000–2100 m alt. and fewer than 100 flowering individuals at 1300 m alt. by Burza river.
Distribution in Bulgaria. Balkan Range (western – Midzhour peak, recorded in the past also beneath Kopren peak and by Chiprovski waterfall); at 1300–2100 m alt.
General distribution. The Carpathians, Balkan Peninsula (Bulgaria, Serbia, incl. Kosovo).
Threats. Global climatic changes (disturbance of the water content in the localities); trampling of individuals by tourists; very small population size and strong isolation from neighbouring populations; low competitiveness of the species; adherence to a specific, relatively rare habitat.
Conservation measures taken. Protected species under the national Biodiversity Act. The localities fall within sites of the European ecological network Natura 2000 in Bulgaria. The locality below Midzhur peak is within Midzhur Protected Site. A proposal for designation of the locality near Barza river as a protected area has been submitted. An Action plan for conservation of the species is in a process of elaboration.
Conservation measures needed. Precise estimation of the population size and area of occupancy, studies on the species ecology and biology and the impact of the particular threats; population monitoring and deposition of seeds to the National Seed Genebank in Bulgaria.
References. Tan & Vladimirov 2001.
Author: Vladimir Vladimirov