Sparassis crispa

Sparassis crispa (Wulfen : Fr.) Fr.


Conservation status. Endangered [EN B1ab(iii,iv)+2ab(i,iv)].

Morphology and biology. Fruit-body 10–40 cm in diameter, irregularly globose, cauliflower-shaped, branched. Branches numerous, flattened, with serrate tips, at first whitish then creamy yellow, finally brown. Stipe short, 2–5 cm thick, whitish with a rooted black base. Flesh white. Hymenium on both sides of the branches. Spores ellipsoid, 5–7 × 4–6 mm, colourless, smooth. VII–X.

Habitats and populations. In coniferous forests (pines – Pinus, fir – Abies, spruce – Picea). Parasite mainly on the roots of pines (Pinus nigra, P. sylvestris). Fruit-bodies single or in small groups, at the base and around living trees, and on the trunks.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Vitosha Region (Vitosha Mt – Bistrishko Branishte Strict Nature Reserve), Pirin Mts (Northern – near Bunderitsa rest house), Rila Mts (Ovnarsko locality), Rhodopi Mts (Western – Tsigov Chark locality, Mantaritsa Strict Nature Reserve, Avramovi Kolibi locality).

General distribution. Europe, Asia, North America, N Africa.

Threats. Habitat loss/degradation caused by logging, infrastructure development (tourism/recreation, transport), fires, gathering for food, household and industrial pollution.

Conservation measures taken. Included in the Red List of Fungi in Bulgaria. Several localities are within the borders of Bistrishko Branishte and Mantaritsa Strict Nature Reserves, and Pirin National Park. Some localities are in sites of the European ecological network Natura 2000 in Bulgaria.

Conservation measures needed. Study of the population numbers and range; better understanding of the species biology and ecology; conservation of the habitats; regular monitoring.

References. Stoichev 1981; Stoichev & Dimcheva 1987b; Gyosheva 2000; Gyosheva et al. 2000, 2006; Denchev et al. 2006.

Author: Melania Gyosheva

Sparassis crispa (distribution map)

Sparassis crispa (drawing)