Scorpiurus subvillosus

Scorpiurus subvillosus L.

Fabaceae – Pea family

Conservation status. Endangered [EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(ii)].

Morphology and biology. Annual. Stem 5–10 cm, with appressed or patent hairs. Leaves broadly oblanceolate to obovate, attenuate at base into a petiole almost equal to the lamina. Leaves subtending the inflorescences 6–10 times shorter than the peduncle, scarious, linear-lanceolate. Inflorescence a capitulum. Flowers mostly 2–3, rarely 5–6, pending. Bracteoles 3–5 times shorter than the pedicels, scarious. Calyx ½ as long as the corolla, campanulate, with scattered, appressed hairs. Corolla 6–10 mm long, yellow. Standard with almost round, entire; wings limb oblong elliptical, almost 2 times as long as the claw; keel acuminate. Legume curved, deeply ribbed, inner ribs smooth, outer – with dense spines, equal or longer than the diameter of the legume. Seeds ± compressed at one end. Fl. IV–VI, fr. VI–VII. Insect pollination. Reproduction by seeds.

Habitats and populations. In dry grasslands on slopes by the Black Sea. Populations consist of solitary, scattered individuals. The size and numerical strength of the populations are reduced due to destruction of habitats. As a result of construction activities some of the subpopulations are now extinct. The reproductive potential is low due to the difficult germination of seeds.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Black Sea coast (southern – southwards from Maslen Nos locality); up to 100 m alt.

General distribution. S Europe, Mediterranean, SW Africa.

Threats. Economic activities (stock breeding, tourism, building activities along the sea shore); restricted distribution and very small populations.

Conservation measures taken. Parts of the localities are within the borders of Strandzha Nature Park, Silistar Protected Site and in a site of the European ecological network Natura 2000 in Bulgaria.

Conservation measures needed. Study of the numerical strength and size of the populations and habitat state; monitoring of the populations and collection of seeds for storage in seed genebanks.

Note. Recently only the populations near Tsarevo and in Silistar Protected Site have been confirmed.

References. Kozhuharov 1976, 1984; Meshinev et al. 2005.

Author: Chavdar Gussev

Scorpiurus subvillosus (distribution map)

Scorpiurus subvillosus (drawing)