Russula amethystina

Russula amethystina Quél.


Conservation status. Endangered [EN B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv)].

Morphology and biology. Cap at first semi-globose, then umbonate to almost flat, concave in the centre, 5–12 cm in diameter, lilac, violet lilac, wine red, in the centre yellow, ochre yellow, olive yellow; surface slightly viscous. Gills wide, soft, free, yellow, ochre yellow. Stipe cylindrical, attenuated at the base, 6–8 × 1–2.5 cm, white or yellowish then with brownish spots, hollow. Flesh hard, white. Spores broadly ellipsoid, 7–9 × 5.5–8 mm, colourless, with reticulate-verrucose ornamentation. Fruit-bodies in groups. VII–X.

Habitats and populations. On acid soils in coniferous forests (spruce – Picea, fir – Abies, rarely pines – Pinus).

Distribution in Bulgaria. Pirin Mts (Northern – near Bansko and Razlog), Rila Mts (near Malyovitsa rest house).

General distribution. Europe, N Africa (Morocco).

Threats. Habitat loss/degradation caused by logging, infrastructure development (tourism/recreation, transport), fires, etc.

Conservation measures taken. Included in the Red List of Fungi in Bulgaria. The known localities are within the borders of Pirin and Rila National Parks as well as in sites of the European ecological network Natura 2000 in Bulgaria.

Conservation measures needed. Study of the population numbers and range; better understanding of the species biology and ecology; conservation of the habitats; regular monitoring.

References. Stoichev & Dimcheva 1988; Gyosheva et al. 2006.

Author: Melania Gyosheva

Russula amethystina (distribution map)

Russula amethystina (drawing)