Pyrofomes demidoffii

Pyrofomes demidoffii (Lév.) Kotl. & Pouzar


Conservation status. Endangered [EN B2ab(i,ii,iv)].

Morphology and biology. Fruit-bodies perennial, resupinate, hoof-shaped, 2–15 × 3–20 × 2–10 cm, woody. Sterile surface at first velvety, deeply furrowed, cream, then smooth, cracked, light brown, red-brown to grey-black; margin round. Pores yellow-red to orange-brown, angular or round, 2–3 per mm, rarely larger mainly in older specimens. Tubes pale ochraceous, in older specimens red brown. Context cinnamon to red brown, becoming red in KOH. Hyphal system dimitic. Basidia 20–40 × 6–8 µm; spores 6–9 × 5–7 µm, light yellow or light brown, thick-walled, smooth.

Habitats and populations. Parasite on stems of Grecian juniper (Juniperus excelsa).

Distribution in Bulgaria. Valley of Struma River (Tisata Strict Nature Reserve).

General distribution. Europe.

Threats. Habitat loss/degradation caused by agriculture (wood plantations) and infrastructure development (tourism/recreation).

Conservation measures taken. Included in the Red List of Fungi in Bulgaria. The known locality is situated on the territory of Tisata Strict Nature Reserve and in a site of the European ecological network Natura 2000 in Bulgaria.

Conservation measures needed. Study of the population numbers and range; interpretation of species status through better understanding of the species biology and ecology; conservation of the habitat; study of the trends through monitoring.

References. Stoichev 1982; Denchev & Assyov 2010.

Authors: Cvetomir M. Denchev, Roumyana D. Petrova & Georgi T. Stoichev

Pyrofomes demidoffii (distribution map)

Pyrofomes demidoffii (drawing)