Nemalion helminthoides

Nemalion helminthoides (Velley) Batters

Nemalion lubricum Duby

Rhodophyta: Helminthocladiaceae

Conservation status. Critically Endangered [CR B1ab(i,ii,iii); C1].

Morphology and biology. Thallus cylindrical, rope-like, not branching or slightly branched, reaching up to 10–30(45) cm long and 1–3 mm wide; with brownish red or more often dark red colour. The thallus is strongly attached to the rocks by widened basal part, the hold-fast. The species is monoecious and its sexual organs could be seen only with a microscope. Occurs in spring and early summer.

Habitats and populations. Epilithic in the tidal zone in clear waters. Not confirmed during the last few years.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Black Sea Coast (Southern – limited only in Ahtopol and Sozopol-Tsarevo subregions of the Sozopol region).

General distribution. Europe, N America, Africa (Morocco), Atlantic Islands, S America (Brazil, Uruguay), Asia (Japan), Australia and New Zealand.

Threats. Anthropogenic pollution of the Black Sea and direct collection by tourists.

Conservation measures taken. Included in the “Red List of Bulgarian algae. I. Macroalgae”.

Conservation measures needed. Decrease of anthropogenic pollution of the Black Sea; environmental education of the population.

References. Petkoff 1905; Petkoff 1929a; Dimitrova 1969; Kalugina-Gutnik 1975; Zinova & Dimitrova-Konaklieva 1976; Dimitrova-Konaklieva 2000; Temniskova et al. 2008.

Authors: Dobrina Temniskova & Maya Stoyneva

Nemalion helminthoides (distribution map)

Nemalion helminthoides (drawing)