Lindernia procumbens

Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Philcox.

Scrophulariaceae – Figwort family

Conservation status. Critically Endangered [CR A1ce; B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv)c(iii)+2ac(iii)]. BDA, HD, BC.

Morphology and biology. Annual. Stem 2–15 cm high, ascending or erect, 4-sulcate. Lower leaves in a rosette, above opposite, ovate to elliptical, entire, cuneate at base, with 3–5 veins. Flowers single, axillary, cleistogamous; peduncles 10–16 mm long. Corolla 7–8 mm long, tube swollen, with 2 lips, yellowish white. Stamens 4, fertile. Capsule elliptical, 3–4 mm long. Fl. VI–IX, fr. IX–VIII. Reproduction by seeds.

Habitats and populations. Occurs on drying banks of natural (swamps, lakes, rivers) and artificial (fish-farms, dams) river bodies, rice fields, in the composition of ephemerid hygrophytic communities. Populations fluctuating in relation with the water level.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Danubian Plain (Telish village, on the bank of Gorni Dabnik dam), Forebalkan (Eastern – Lovech district), Balkan Range (Western – Botevgrad region; Central – Gabrovo village), Mt Sredna Gora (Eastern – Stara Zagora region), Thracian Lowland (Plovdiv and Pazardzhik districts). The locality near Telish village is the only locality confirmed in the last 50 years.

General distribution. Temperate and subtropical areas of Eurasia.

Threats. Aridisation of climate, hydro-ameliorative activities, fish-farm abandonment, possible competition with the invasive American species Lindernia dubia, natural population fluctuations.

Conservation measures taken. The species is protected by the national Biodiversity Act. The locality in the Danubian Plain is in a site of the European ecological network Natura 2000 in Bulgaria.

Conservation measures needed. Detailed study of the numerical strength and size of the populations, biology and ecology of the species, threats; elaboration of an action plan for the species. Collection of seeds for the National Seed Genebank in Sadovo. Proclamation of the locality of the species as protected area.

References. Urumov 1906; Davidov 1909; Vihodcevski 1962; Bozhilova & Tonkov 1984; Markova 1989.

Author: Rossen Tzonev

Lindernia procumbens (distribution map)

Lindernia procumbens (drawing)