Lilium albanicum

Lilium albanicum Griseb.

Liliaceae – Lily family

Conservation status. Critically Endangered [CR B1ab(ii)+2ab(ii)]. BDA. Balkan endemic.

Morphology and biology. Perennial, bulbous plant. Stem 30–40 cm high, simple, rarely branched towards apex, leafy. Leaves alternate, sessile, obovate-lanceolate, acute. Flowers terminal, single, or 2–3 in a lax raceme. Pedicels nodding at anthesis, erect at fruiting. Perianth segments golden yellow, 3–4 cm long, recurved at anthesis. Anthers brick red. Capsules erect, elongated cylindrical, splitting in three parts. Seeds numerous, discoid, light brown. Fl. VII–VIII. Insect pollination. Reproduction by seeds and vegetative means (bulbs).

Habitats and populations. In herbaceous communities and open shrubs of Siberian juniper, on shallow, stony soils. The subpopulations consist of several tens of individuals.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Belasitsa Mt (Radomir and Tumba peaks); at 1800–1900 m alt.

General distribution. Balkan Peninsula (Bulgaria, R Macedonia, Albania).

Threats. Low reproductive potential; small number of individuals per population. The expansion of Siberian juniper can suppress the species.

Conservation measures taken. The species is protected by the Biodiversity Act. The localities are within the borders of Belasitsa Nature Park and in a site of the European ecological network Natura 2000 in Bulgaria.

Conservation measures needed. Cutting away of juniper shrubs within the localities and adjacent areas.

References. Delipavlov & Popova 1965.

Author: Tenyo Meshinev

Lilium albanicum (distribution map)

Lilium albanicum (drawing)