Lathyrus pancicii

Lathyrus pancicii (Jurišić) Adamović

Fabaceae – Pea family

Conservation status. Critically Endangered [CR B2ab(i,ii,iv); C2a(ii)]. IUCN(R). Balkan endemic. Post-glacial relict.

Morphology and biology. Perennial plant with slender rhizomes. Stems single or in groups, 30–90 cm, simple, shortly pubescent. Leaves pinnate, 8–12 cm long, with 3–5 pairs of linear-lanceolate leaflets, 4–7 × 5–8 mm, densely shortly grey and pubescent. Inflorescences racemose, 8–20-flowered; peduncle longer than the supporting leaf. Flowers pale yellow, 15–20 mm long. Legume 5–7 cm, hairy. Fl. VII, Fr. VIII. Insect pollination. Reproduction by seeds.

Habitats and populations. Open, sunny, stony, limestone slopes. Member of grassy communities dominated by Sesleria latifolia and with significant diversity of other species, including low shrubs; often grows close to small woods. Three populations are known with an area less than 2 km2, with a mosaic spatial structure. The species forms variably sized spots with an area of occupancy of approx. 1 ha and fewer than 500 individuals altogether.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Znepole region (Ljubash Mt and Strazha Mt); 1000-1200 m alt. There are old literature data from the vicinities of Kurilo village in Western Balkan Range.

General distribution. Balkan Peninsula (isolated localities in NE Serbia (extinct) and NW Bulgaria).

Threats. Limited distribution and small populations; changes in the management of the territories; in the past overgrazing. Other, unknown negative factors are also possible.

Conservation measures taken. For protection of the habitats of the species the Biological Diversity Act requires establishment of protected areas in accordance with the regulations of the Protected Areas Act. Included in 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants with a category “rare”. The localities are within a site of the European ecological network Natura 2000 in Bulgaria. An Action plan for conservation of the species is in a process of elaboration.

Conservation measures needed. Studies on the biology and ecology of the species and on the negative factors; declaring a protected area.

References. Kozhuharov 1976; Andreev 1984; Walter & Gillet 1998; Ranjelović & Vukojičić 1999; Petrova et al. 2003; Stoyanov 2008.

Author: Antoaneta Petrova

Lathyrus pancicii (distribution map)

Lathyrus pancicii (drawing)