Hottonia palustris

Hottonia palustris L.

Primulaceae – Primrose family

Conservation status. Regionally extinct [RE]. BDA.

Morphology and biology. Aquatic perennial with floating, filiform roots. Stem 20–40 cm high, erect, with reddish glands. Leaves submerged and floating, 1- to 2-pinnate, glabrous above, glandular beneath. Pedicels glandular. Calyx with 5 acute glandular lobes. Flowers numerous, in alternate whorls, violet. Fruit polyhedral, coarsely reticulated capsule, 3-6 mm. Fl. V–VI, fr. VI–VII. Reproduction by seeds and vegetatively.

Habitats and populations. Still, shallow fresh waters and bogs. In the past it was distributed only in Kazichene bog. The last collection is from 1915. The drainage of the bog caused the extinction of the single population in Bulgaria. It has not been found in other water bodies in Bulgaria.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Sofia Region (near Kazichene village); 500 m alt.

General distribution. Europe, C Asia, N America.

Threats. Draining and destruction of the habitat.

Conservation measures taken. Protected species according to the national Biodiversity Act.

Conservation measures needed. Reintroduction from the nearest European population in the appropriate water bodywith in a protected area.

References. Peev 1982; Peev 1984.

Authors: Dimitar Peev, Sonya Tsoneva

Hottonia palustris (distribution map)

Hottonia palustris (drawing)