Gypsophila tekirae

Gypsophila tekirae Stef.

Caryophyllaceae – Pink family

Conservation status. Critically Endangered [CR A4c; B1ab(iii); 2ab(ii)]. BDA. Bulgarian endemic.

Morphology and biology. Herbaceous perennial. Stems 50–60 cm, grey green, glabrous. Leaves ovate, up to 9 cm long and 2.7 cm wide, semi-amplexicaul, with 3–5 veins, glabrous. Flowers small, numerous, in a paniculate inflorescence; petals white. Capsule glabrous, as long as the calyx. Seeds numerous, small, suborbicular, without dormancy period and with good germination potential. Fl. VI, fr. X. Reproduction by seeds.

Habitats and populations. Occurs in dry places on limestone, sometimes also in vineyards. Takes part in herbaceous plant communities. The population consists of a several tens of individuals, which grow in groups and occupy a total area of less than 1 ha.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Thracian Lowland (Bessaparski hills); 180–350 m alt.

General distribution. Bulgaria.

Threats. Species habitats are strongly influenced by human activities: vine cultivation, road construction, exploitation of lime quarry. Further land use changes, e.g. ploughing and building activities, may cause extinction of the population. The species has low competitive abilities.

Conservation measures taken. Protected species according to the national Biodiversity Act. The population is within Ognyanovo-Sinitevski Rid Protected Site and in a site of the European ecological network Natura 2000 in Bulgaria. In 1993 seeds are deposited to the National Seed Genebank in Bulgaria for long-term preservation.

Conservation measures needed. Elaboration of an action plan for the species; maintenance and long-term preservation of seed material in the National Seed Genebank.

References. Stefanoff 1929; Vălev 1966; Stanev 1984.

Author: Iva Apostolova

Gypsophila tekirae (distribution map)

Gypsophila tekirae (drawing)