Dianthus simulans

Dianthus simulans Stoj. & Stef.

D. gracilis Sibth. & Sm. subsp. simulans (Stoj. & Stef.) Stoj. & Acht.3

Caryophyllaceae – Pink family

Conservation status. Vulnerable [VU D2]. Balkan endemic.

Morphology and biology. Perennial, herbaceous, tuft-forming plant with 2–6 cm high stems. Leaves acuminate, 1–1.5 mm wide, usually present at anthesis. Epicalyx scales 4, obovate, gradually acuminate. Flowers solitary. Calyx 9–13 mm long. Petal-limb dentate, with tuft of hairs on the upper side, dark pink above, yellowish below. Fruit capsule. Fl. VI–VII, fr. VII–VIII. Reproduction by seeds.

Habitats and populations. Inhabits rocks and stony places on limestone and marble in the subalpine belt, calcicole. Grows in groups.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Slavyanka Mt, 1800–2180 m alt.

General distribution. Balkan endemic (Bulgaria, NE Greece).

Threats. Currently unknown.

Conservation measures taken. The known localities are within the borders of Alibotush Strict Nature Reserve and in a site of the European ecological network Natura 2000 in Bulgaria.

Conservation measures needed. Inclusion in Appendix 3 of the Biodiversity Act. Inventory of the extent of the population, the species’ biology and ecology and the threats for the species’ survival.

References. Stojanoff & Stefanoff 1934; Stojanoff & Achtaroff 1935; Stojanoff 1966; Greuter et al. 1984; Petrova 1992a; Tutin & Walters 1993.

Authors: Cvetomir M. Denchev, Boris Assyov

Dianthus simulans (distribution map)

Dianthus simulans (drawing)