Cortinarius bulliardii (Pers. : Fr.) Fr.
Conservation status. Endangered [EN B1ab(iii,iv)].
Morphology and biology. Cap at first conical, then umbonate to flattened, slightly concave in the centre, 4–8 cm in diameter, hygrophanous, red brown, chestnut brown, when dry clay brown; with peripheral red fibres. Cortina gossamery, pale violet. Gills attached to the stipe, rare, at first violet, then rusty brown. Stipe cylindrical, slightly thickened at base, 5–8(10) × 1–2 cm, silky fibrillose, pale violet at the top, rusty brown below; with red-orange fibres. Flesh at first pale violet, then brownish, red brown at the stipe base. Spores almond-shaped, 8.5–10.5 × 5–6 µm, yellow brown, verrucose. Fruit-bodies single and in groups. IX–X.
Habitats and populations. On limy soils in deciduous forests (beech – Fagus, and oak – Quercus).
Distribution in Bulgaria. Northeast Bulgaria (near Kochovets village, distr. Shumen), Znepole Region (Golo Burdo Mt, Konyavska Mt – Yankyovets Nature Monument), Rila Mts (near Kostenets village), Rhodopi Mts (Central – Tsar Kaloyan and Hrabrino villages).
General distribution. Europe, Asia, Africa.
Threats. Habitat loss/degradation caused by logging, development of tourism/recreation infrastructure, fires, acid rains.
Conservation measures taken. Included in the Red List of Fungi in Bulgaria. One of the known localities is situated within Yankyovets Nature Monument.
Conservation measures needed. Study of the population numbers and range; better understanding of the species biology and ecology; conservation of the habitats; regular monitoring.
References. Burzakov 1928; Stoichev 1982; Gyosheva & Vassilev 1994; Gyosheva & Gussev 1998; Gyosheva et al. 2000, 2006.
Author: Melania Gyosheva