Bryum gemmiparum

Bryum gemmiparum De Not.


Conservation status. Vulnerable [VU D2]. The species is listed in Red Data Book of European Bryophytes as ‘Rare’.

Morphology and biology. Perennial acrocarpous moss forming light green, yellowish green or brownish tufts, 1–3 cm high. Stems with densely attached leaves, branched only in upper part. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, narrowly pointed, with flat or slightly recurved margin. Nerve strong, ending in or below apex, yellow throughout. Upper leaf axils with green or reddish vegetative reproductive bud-like bodies. Orange or pink spherical rhizoidal gemmae sometimes present on older part of stem. Sporophytes rare. Unisexual.

Habitats and populations. Plants grow on humid soil in rock crevices, brick walls, stone walls along streams and rivers, and also on rocks near springs.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Vitosha Region (Vitosha Mt – the valley of Stara Reka River above Bistritsa village).

General distribution. Balkan Peninsula (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, R Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia) and other parts of Europe (Macaronesia, UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Crete, Crimea), Caucasus, E, C and SW Asia, N Africa, North America, southern part of South America. Sub-oceanic/sub-Mediterranean species.

Threats. The limited distribution, difficult sexual reproduction and rare spore production are the main causes for species vulnerability.

Conservation measures taken. Species locality is in the area of Vitosha Nature Park.

Conservation measures needed. Long-term study, assessment of trends in habitat changes, and prognosis for population development.

References. Podpéra 1911.

Author: Anna Ganeva

Bryum gemmiparum (distribution map)

Bryum gemmiparum (drawing)