Brassica jordanoffii

Brassica jordanoffii O.E. Schulz

Brassicaceae – Cabbage family

Conservation status. Vulnerable [VU B1ab(iii); C2a(i)]. BDA. Bulgarian endemic.

Morphology and biology. Perennial herb. Flowering stems 30–50 cm. Leaves glabrous, somewhat fleshy, basal spathulate, cauline oblong-lanceolate. Flowers pale yellow arranged in a terminal racemose inflorescence. Fruit 20–40 mm long siliqua, shortly beaked. Fl. VII–VIII, fr. VIII–IX. Insect pollination. Reproduction by seeds.

Habitats and populations. Grows in stony and rocky places on limestone in the subalpine vegetation belt, sometimes also at the timberline of the coniferous forests, on shallow or poorly developed soils. Takes part in hasmophytic communities together with  Alyssum trichostachyum, Armeria alpina, Dianthus microlepis, Saxifraga ferdinandi-coburgi, and  Arabis ferdinandi-coburgi. Population is fragmented but fragments are with good numerical strength, usually of more than 600–800 individuals, and good reproductive potential.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Pirin Mts (northern – above Bunderitsa chalet, Dzhamdzhievi Skali locality, slopes of Kutelo peak, Golyam and Malak Kazan, Banski Suhodol, Razlozhki Suhodol cirques, around Suhoto Ezero); from (1850)2100 up to 2500 m alt.

General distribution. Bulgaria.

Threats. The intensive tourism and trampling outside the tourist trails cause habitat destruction and reduction of the population size. Potential threats are natural disasters (land slides, fires, avalanches).

Conservation measures taken. Protected species according to the national Biodiversity Act (listed as B. nivalis subsp. jordanoffii). The localities are within Pirin National Park and Bayuvi Dupki - Dzhindzhiritsa Strict Nature Reserve as well as in a site of the European ecological network Natura 2000 in Bulgaria.

Conservation measures needed. Restriction of tourists hiking within the tourist trails only; deposition of seeds to the National Seed Genebank in Bulgaria; research into the possibilities for ex situ cultivation of the species.

References. Jordanov 1970; Andreev 1984, 1992b; Ančev 2007.

Authors: Mincho Anchev & Valentina Goranova

Brassica jordanoffii (distribution map)

Brassica jordanoffii (drawing)