Botrychium matricariifolium

Botrychium matricariifolium (Retz.) W.D.J. Koch

Ophioglossaceae – Adder's tongue family

Conservation status. Critically Endangered [CR D]. BDA. BC.

Morphology and biology. Perennial, herbaceous plant with very short, underground, not branched rhizome. Leaf one, above ground, 5–20 cm long; lamina divided in two parts – green, fleshy, bipinnate – sterile and strongly modified, brownish, racemosely branched fertile part. Sporangia rusty brown, free, on the terminal branches of the fertile part. Spore ripening VI–VIII. Reproduction by spores. Spores are formed after 5–6 years. Protal development is endotrophic.

Habitats and populations. Occurs in wood meadows, dominated by grasses and thyme species. Soil deep, relatively dry, on granite basic rock. Populations are mosaic, consisting of 15–35 individuals on an area of 2–3 m2. Plants are visible in May-June, after which they remain hidden under the dense grass cover.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Balkan Range (central – Kozarnika locality), Znepole Region (Konyavska Mts); at 800–1200 m alt.

General distribution. Almost throughout whole of Europe, Sinai, N America.

Threats. Aridisation of climate; damage and destruction of the above-ground part of the plants, tramping and grazing by cattle; small number of individuals and restricted area of the population; low growth rate and reproductive potential of the species.

Conservation measures taken. The species is protected by the Biodiversity Act and the Bern Convention. The locality in Balkan Range floristic region is within a site in the European Ecological Network Natura 2000 in Bulgaria.

Conservation measures needed. The border of Boatin Strict Nature Reserve passes through the locality of Kozarnika, which is the main locality of the species; expansion of the borders of the reserve is needed so as to encompass the whole locality; monitoring of the population numbers, habitat state and vitality of the plants.

References. Rothmaler 1964; Stoeva 1991; Dimitrov 1994.

Author: Milka Stoeva

Botrychium matricariifolium (distribution map)

Botrychium matricariifolium (drawing)