Arrhenia lobata

Arrhenia lobata (Pers. : Fr.) Redhead

Leptoglossum lobatum (Pers. : Fr.) Ricken


Conservation status. Endangered [EN B1ab(i,iii,iv)].

Morphology and biology. Fruit-body composed of a sessile, ear-shaped, shell-like or spatulate cap, 1–4 cm in diameter, grey brown, brown; cap surface shiny, moist, smooth to finely wrinkled, margin wavy. Gills distant, forked, branched towards the margin, concolorous or lighter than the cap, shiny. Flesh gelatinous, almost translucent. Spores broadly ovoid, 9–11 × 6–7 µm, smooth, colourless. Fruit-bodies single or in small groups. V–X.

Habitats and populations. On moss (Drepanocladus) species, in peat bogs and swamps in high mountains.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Vitosha Region (Vitosha Mt – in a peatery near Aleko chalet), Strandzha Mts.

General distribution. W, N and C Europe.

Threats. Habitat loss/degradation caused by development of tourism/recreation infrastructure, fires, drought, etc.

Conservation measures taken. Included in the Red List of Fungi in Bulgaria. The known localities are situated within Vitosha and Strandzha Nature Parks and in sites of the European ecological network Natura 2000 in Bulgaria.

Conservation measures needed. Study of the population numbers and range; better understanding of the species biology and ecology; conservation of peat bogs; regular monitoring.

References. Burzakov 1932; Gyosheva & Ganeva 2004; Gyosheva et al. 2006.

Author: Melania Gyosheva

Arrhenia lobata (distribution map)

Arrhenia lobata (drawing)