Anchusa macedonica

Anchusa macedonica Degen & Dörfler

Boraginaceae – Borage family

Conservation status. Vulnerable [VU A2cd; B1ab(iii)2a; C1]. BDA. Balkan endemic.

Morphology and biology. Annual or biennial herbaceous plant with a tape root. Stems up to 20 cm high, ascending. Leaves linear-oblong or lanceolate, pubescent. Hairs tuberculate at base. Inflorescence single, short. Peduncles 5–10 mm. Bracts exceeding the calyx. Calyx up to 5 mm long, divided almost to the base, with lanceolate, subacute segments. Corolla blue, tube 1–2 mm, shorter than the limb; limb 5–7 mm in diameter. Nutlets 4, irregular-globose to ovate. Fl. V–VI, fr. VI–VII. Insect pollination. Reproduction by seeds.

Habitats and populations. Occurs in dry, sandy and rocky places, sometimes on limestone, along Struma River. The populations are with small area and good density. Participates in herbaceous communities with weed species in pastures and communities of Quercus coccifera, Centaurea immanuelis-loewii, Campanula scutellata, Peucedanum arenarium, Osyris alba.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Valley of Struma River (Southern – Kresna town, Dolna Gradeshnitsa, Ilindentsi, Kamenitsa and Topolnitsa villages and W of Sandanski town); from 150 up to 300 m alt.

General distribution. Balkan Peninsula (R Macedonia, Bulgaria, N Greece).

Threats. Building of hotels and roads; destruction of the habitats of Quercus coccifera, burning and ploughing of field stubbles; flattening of meadows and pastures by machines.

Conservation measures taken. Protected species according to the Biodiversity Act. The localities are in sites of the European ecological network Natura 2000 in Bulgaria.

Conservation measures needed. Study of the eco-physiological requirements of the species; search for new localities in the valley of Struma River, protection of the species by the Biodiversity Act.

References. Bornmüller 1925/28; Micevski 1970; Chater 1972; Delipavlov 1992.

Author: Dimitar Dimitrov

Anchusa macedonica (distribution map)

Anchusa macedonica (drawing)